1. News -

    Share your views to help improve support for people with a learning disability or autism in Trafford and Greater Manchester.
  2. Advice and Information -

    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
  3. Report -

    The full report on the Trafford Healthwatch 100 survey on pharmacy and prescription services in Trafford. Covering January to February 2018, published August 2018.
  4. Blog -

    We often get asked who we are and what we do. This blog aims to answer the common questions we get asked and give you quick and straightforward answers to your questions.
  5. Report -

    Minutes from the Healthwatch Trafford Board Meeting on the 19 December 2019.
  6. Report -

    Minutes from the Healthwatch Trafford Board Meeting on the 31 October 2019
  7. Report -

    Minutes from the Healthwatch Trafford Board Meeting on the 29 August 2019
  8. Report -

    Minutes from the Healthwatch Trafford Board Meeting on the 25 April 2019
  9. Report -

    Minutes from the Healthwatch Trafford Board Meeting on the 28 February 2019
  10. Article -

    On the 18th July, three young champions (Yousuf, Hania and Nathan) ran the Healthwatch Trafford drop-in stall at the Altrincham Hospital and Minor Injuries Unit.
  11. Article -

    Last Thursday, some members of the Youthwatch Trafford team came together for a fun-filled morning at Atlantic Bowl in Altrincham.
  12. Article -

    Last Thursday, some members of the Youthwatch Trafford team came together for a fun-filled morning at Atlantic Bowl in Altrincham.
  13. Report -

    Update of our work across April and May 2019.
  14. Report -

    Our fifth Annual report, covering April 2018 to March 2019.
  15. Report -

    Update of our work across June and July 2019.
  16. Report -

    Update of our work across August and September 2019.
  17. Report -

    Update of our work across October and November 2019.
  18. Report -

    Our winter update for 2018.
  19. Report -

    Our summer update for 2019.