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    Healthwatch England's new data shows a worrying increase in the number of people avoiding vital care. They are calling for urgent action from government and health and care services to ensure rising costs are not a barrier to healthcare.
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    A new scheme could see women across England save hundreds of pounds yearly on their Hormone Replacement Therapy with a prepayment certificate.
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    Tributes are being paid today to the ‘extraordinary’ people who’ve set up and delivered Greater Manchester’s Covid-19 vaccination push, getting almost five million jabs into arms in just 12 months.
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    The Care Quality Commission’s (CQC’s) annual assessment of the state of health and social care in England looks at the quality of care over the past year – the first of these reports to cover a full year of the pandemic.
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    Healthwatch Trafford have published a report looking at people’s understanding and experiences of Long COVID, and what resources and support are available.
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    Halthwatch Trafford have released a follow-up report looking at the experiences of health and social care services during the period of the coronavirus pandemic.
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    Have you had your winter vaccines yet?