Enter and view at Allingham House care home

We visited Allingham house care home to speak to residents and staff about the care and service they offer. This report contains our findings from our visit and any recommendations we put to the home following our visit.

The home provides residential, nursing and dementia care for up to 86 residents.

The manager of Allingham House has a professional background as a nurse and informed the Enter and View team that he continues to undertake specific pieces of work for the Care Quality Commission.


  • Residents are willing to share their views.
  • Residents appeared relaxed, comfortable and happy with their surroundings.
  • Staff were observed responding to residents needs in a friendly, considerate and compassionate manner.
  • To promote social inclusion, the home provides a communal lounge and a garden area.
  • The home provides a variety of activities that residents can participate in. That there is a secure environment with qualified staff on-site 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
  • Residents are able to see a doctor and other health professionals when required. The home operates a fully Kosher Home.


  • It is recommended that the home manager express his concerns regarding social services processes and communication.
  • To review how dietary needs and spiritual needs of all residents regardless of faith are met

Good practice identified

The home provides a personal summary leaflet in each room outlining the individual care the resident requires to maintain continuity of care if there are changes to the regular member of staff

Resident boxes kept at reception to be used in event of fire.


If you require this report in a different format please get in touch and we will see if we can help with this request. 

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Allingham enter and view report

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