Ascot House

Patient and family experience report.

About this report

Ascot House is Trafford’s bed based intermediate care facility which is sited in Sale West. Over the past three years, we have conducted a project on Ascot House looking at different aspects of the service.

This report focusses on patient, carer and family perceptions of the care and support received at Ascot House. Overall, we found the feedback is positive but there are one or two areas which would benefit from improvement. These views are based on feedback expressed by 68 people which were recorded between September 2017 and March 2019.

Key findings 

  • Most people were very happy with the quality of staffing, with the attitudes of staff in particular praised.
  • The availability and variety of nutritious food was popular with the patients.
  • Issues with communicating intentions with relatives was the biggest negative.
  • For some it is important to have choice over the gender of care staff when they are conducting personal care.


  • More regular and comprehensive communication of changes and plans to patient’s family, so they can be kept up-to-date and enable them to make their own arrangements.
  • Provide more varied entertainment materials for patients such as games, magazines and books.
  • Provide more social engagement opportunities for patients and do more to encourage them to join in.
  • Offer patients their preference of gender of care worker wherever possible.


If you require this report in a different format please get in touch and we will see if we can help with this request. 

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