1. Report -

    Read our quarterly update on what people are telling us about health and care services in Trafford.
  2. Report -

    Find out people's experience of using Trafford General Hospital.
  3. Report -

    Find out how we listened and acted on your feedback this year.
  4. Report -

    We visited Trafford General Hospital AMU ward to talk to patients and staff about the care and service the ward offered. This report contains our findings and the recommendations we put to the hospital following our visit.
  5. Report -

    We visited Davyhulme medical centre to speak to staff and patients about the care and service the practice provides. This report contains our findings from the visit and any recommendations we sent to the practice following our visit.
  6. News -

    Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust, Trafford Council and NHS Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group are developing plans to transform Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in Trafford to ensure they are fit for future purpose.
  7. News -

    North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust (NWAS) is conducting an audit of its reputation to help the organisation understand what its staff, public, patients and partners think about it.
  8. Report -

    Find out people's experience of Altrincham General Hospital in January - August 2015.
  9. Report -

    We visited Manchester Royal Infirmary to talk to patients and staff about the care and service offered at the hospital. This report contains our findings and the recommendations for improvement we sent them following our visit.
  10. News -

    Patients and the wider population of Trafford are being invited to comment on proposals for the future of the GP practice known as the Dr Ali Medical Practice throughout October and early November 2015.
  11. Advice and Information -

    Do you struggle to speak to your doctor about your medical concerns? You’re not alone. GP appointment times can be limited. Here are some good ways to make the most of your visit.